Navigate to the folder where your plugin is located.Click on 'Add Plugin' in the right pane (top).Select 'Plugins' (last option in the sidebar).In case you don't know how to install plugins in the music player, here's a brief tutorial. The new maintainer has added a lot of additional lyrics providers based on feedback from the community, and it works beautifully because of that. The plugin was abandoned for a while before it was resurrected last year. It isn't actually a new plugin and you may be using it already. Tip: you could also consider adding lyrics to the music files natively using programs such as Lyrics Finder. Fortunately there is a simple fix for this and it comes in the form of the MusicBee plugin LyricsReloaded. I have all my songs properly tagged (year, track, album, artist, genre, cover art), but I still get the 'No lyrics found' from time to time.